Hand and Wrist

  • Arthritis of the Hand and Wrist

    Arthritis is an inflammatory condition of the joints. There are several types of arthritis and the most common type is osteoarthritis or wear-and-tear arthritis. Arthritis affects various joints in the body and the arthritis in the hand affects the joint at the base of the thumb. Arthritis may also affect the joints of other digits.

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  • Arthritis of the Thumb

    Arthritis is an inflammatory condition of the joints. There are several types of arthritis. The most common type is osteoarthritis or wear-and-tear arthritis that affects the joint at the base of the thumb. Thumb arthritis is more common in women than men, and usually occurs after the age of 40 years.

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  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    The carpal tunnel is a narrow structure in the wrist that is encased by carpal bones and carpal ligaments. Important nerves and tendons run through this tunnel and when tissues surrounding the tendon swell they put pressure on the median nerve running through the tunnel.

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  • Trigger Finger

    A trigger finger is caused when the tendon that moves your finger becomes irritated as it slides through its sheath, or tunnel. As it becomes more and more irritated it can thicken or develop nodules which causes the tendon to stick when you try to straighten your finger.

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  • Boutonniere Deformity

    Tendons in your fingers connect the finger bones to finger muscles and help bend and straighten the finger at the joint when the muscles contract. Boutonnière deformity is a condition in which a tendon injury to the middle joint of the finger results in the inability to straighten the affected finger.

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  • De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis

    Inflammation and swelling of the tendon sheaths put pressure on the adjacent nerves and leads to pain and numbness in the thumb side of the wrist. Strain on these tendons can cause swelling and irritation, and lead to a condition called De Quervain's tenosynovitis, which is characterized by inflammation. The condition is also referred to as De Quervain’s tendinitis, De Quervain’s tendinosis, De Quervain’s syndrome or De Quervain’s disease.

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  • Dupuytren’s Contracture

    Dupuytren’s contracture is a hand condition where thickening of the underlying fibrous tissues of the palm causes the fingers to bend inward. This makes it difficult to fully straighten the affected fingers. It commonly occurs in the ring finger and little finger. Occasionally, the middle finger is affected, but the thumb and index finger are rarely affected.

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  • Ganglion cyst

    Ganglion cysts are swellings that most commonly develop along the tendons or joints of wrists or hands. They can be found either at the top of the wrist, palm side of the wrist, end joint of a finger or at the base of a finger. A ganglion cyst is not cancerous and will not spread to the other parts of the body. It looks like a water balloon on a stalk and contains a clear fluid or jelly material. Ganglion cysts can be found in people of all ages.

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  • Kienbock's Disease

    Kienbock's disease is a condition in which the lunate, one of the small bones of the wrist loses its blood supply leading to death of the bone. This results in pain, stiffness, and degenerative changes in the wrist joint.

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  • Mallet Finger

    A mallet finger is a condition where the end of the finger is bent and does not straighten.

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Harvard University Brigham and Women's Hospital Boston Children's Hospital International Geriatric Fracture Society Dignity Health Banner Casa Grande Medical Center Rosalind Franklin University Maimonides Medical Center